Tag: viaduct

Greenhall Orchard Apples

During a recent walk around Greenhall and through the Calder, my history enthusiast (and friend) Jim Brown pointed out to me that there was still fruit growing on the old Greenhall orchard. I’d walked past the location a hundred times, yet never stopped to appreciate that there were beautiful apple trees there. There is a […]

Closure of Local Railway lines

This excellent diagram not only indicates the route of local historical railway lines, (including how the railway ran from Bothwell over the Craighead Viaduct then along to Burnbank to Peacock station), but it also gives exact dates of closure for each various line. A very useful reference tool. Click For example: High Blantyre line running […]

The Clyde Railway Viaduct Bridge

At the farthest Northern extent of Blantyre on the River Clyde is the Clyde Railway Bridge. This was modeled in a similar style to Bothwell Bridge, but was located far downstream spanning between Blantyre and Uddingston. Located just North of Boat Jocks house, the Railway Bridge was constructed in 1849 for the Caledonian Railway. A […]

Elizabeth Holmes brought Home

Pictured in the background of this 1950’s photograph is Craighead Railway Viaduct. This structure carried trains from Hamilton over to Bothwell across the River Clyde on the L.N.E Railway, all at an impressive height of 180 feet! It would surely have been an impressive journey or sight from a rail carriage window. The old walkway at […]