1937 Footballers Mystery Death

1900 Joanna Terrace from Glasgow Road looking West

1900 Joanna Terrace from Glasgow Road looking West

Following the death from blood poisoning of Danny Munroe, 21-year-old footballer, of Joanna Terrace, Blantyre, doctors puzzled by the death, requested the family’s permission to make a post-mortem examination.

Munroe played for Burnbank Athletic at Douglasdale in early September 1937 and sustained a leg injury. From that time, he was under medical treatment and a week later blood poisoning was diagnosed. He was removed to the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, and succumbed on the Sunday night. The doctors in the infirmary were puzzled as to the cause of the poisoning. Munroe played for Blantyre Celtic two seasons previous to 1937. For part of last season he was with an English works team, which made him a senior. He did not figure prominently there, and expressed the desire to return to Scottish football. Early this season he was reinstated to Burnbank Athletic, near his home in Blantyre, but at the sacrifice of being reinstated as a junior player.

Pictured is Joanna Terrace around 37 years earlier at the turn of the century. Joanne Terrace leads off to the right from Glasgow Road. This is before St Josephs Chapel was built, although in the background the David Livingstone Memorial Church can be seen. The photo is taken just a few years before the installation of Blantyre’s Tram Network.

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