Tag: hugh smith

Blantyre Vics – Part 6 Rest of 1950s

Continued from Part 5 They still talk in Blantyre about the teacher in the days gone by who asked, “What famous man was born at Blantyre?” and received the prompt answer from a little nipper, “Jimmy Brownlie?!” Historians and others not well versed in football were, of course shocked when they heard about this reply […]

Joe Smith – Pitman, Pugilist, Poacher

Steve Smith and I have been conversing these last few evenings. Steve told me, “I visited Blantyre many times to see my Aunt Mary , Uncle Willie and regularly went to Niaroo to visit my Uncle Hughie along with my Dad James Smith. Joe Smith, (the father of John, Hugh, Joe, William, James, Terence, Daniel, […]