1990’s Stonefield Public Park

This photo was taken in the late 1990’s or 2000’s at Stonefield Public Park. Looking over to the homes at Station Road. Shared here by Robert Gordon.

I have no notes on the artwork monument pictured on the left. When did that appear? Is it still there? I can’t remember paying much attention to this. What is it representing? Coal? Who paid for and placed it?

On Social Media, a few answers and comments came quickly in:

Andy Mckinnon: The standing stones were part of an art project funded by the social inclusion partnership (SIP) that was supposed to be the first of many. They were designed by a sculptor named Rob who designed the mosaics with local young people in terminal one. The stones were cut and hand picked (Caithness stone) in Wick quarry (early 2000 not 90’s). I actually went with Rob and Jason Weidner to Wick to film and document the process. Each stone points to each other in the park and the art work on them represents the African connection with David Livingstone. It was an amazing process and I was very proud to have been part of it. Pity the rest of the sculptures didn’t happen as it would have made the public park an outdoor gallery.


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  1. Too true, Hugh. It’s a forgotten place. My Dad will be turning in his grave.

  2. With the terrible condition the so called Public Park is in I don’t think it will be there for long. The older age people of Blantyre can think back to the beauty of Council owned areas, halls and buildings not forgetting the atmosphere when Glasgow Road was a huge walk from Rosondale to West end and every type of shops available.
    So many buildings were left empty for years until they were damaged or set on fire, demolished and area sold for private housing, that is what will happen to Stonefield Public Park not too many years ahead.

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