Blantyreferme Brickworks

1946 Blantyreferme Brickworks

1946 Blantyreferme Brickworks

Blantyre Ferme Brickworks was one of the more modern brickworks in Blantyre. Not built until the 1920’s the brickie was built immediately adjacent to the Blantyrefereme Colliery, just before the railway tunnel as you headed over the Blantyrefereme road to Uddingston.

An access road led off from the right, which today is fenced over.

The Brickie served the Colliery and the kilns were located in the colliery itself. The whole area must have looked very industrial, with the bing beside it. The nearest homes were at Caldervale /Fin me oot at the opposite side of the road, about the same distance away as Blantyre Ferme itself.

The bricks, like all other manufactured bricks in Blantyre had their own quality stamp, these particular bricks saying “Blantyre Ferme”, as shown.

Both colliery and brickworks were exhausted by post war years and now both are no longer in use.

2014 Blantyre Ferme Brick

2014 Blantyre Ferme Brick

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  1. My mum lived at fin me oot her name was Harriet guy can anyone remember her

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