1958 Elizabeth at Victoria Street

1958 Elizabeth Weaver at Victoria Street

Another picture kindly shared by Elizabeth Weaver. This is 1958 and Elizabeth is around 10 years old standing at her gate at Victoria Street, not far from the former railway bridge. (just out the picture to the right)

Elizabeth added, “That was a wool dress and it was yet another itchy garment. It also had a huge hem so it could be let down and I could wear it for years. Wearing grey school socks and slippers too. The height of fashion!”

Do you have a photo of yourself in Blantyre gardens? Go on! Do share them.

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Heather Campbell Another fine photo
Brian Weaver Thank you, Heather! I do believe I was the photographer … a seven year old with a Brownie 127
Mary McGaulley I was in the same class at Auchinraith with Elizabeth at that age still remember sitting next to her. Fun days!!
Martin Smith The weather aint improved!!
Jeanette Turvey My dad lived in Victoria street in the 40s and 50 s

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