1967 Weddings Blantyre Folk

A couple of weddings from 1967 next. Policewoman Vivian Kerr of Waverley Terrace married Airdrie Constable Robert Tweedie at High Blantyre Parish Church. The couple were stationed at Blantyre Police Station but later moved to Coatshill with daughters Kirstie and Una.

1967 Vivan Kerr & Robert Tweedie wm

Also in 1967 Etta Gray of Beech Place, Blantyre married Hamilton man Andrew Anderson. The couple married at David Livingstone Memorial Church.

1967 Etta Gray & Andrew Anderson wm

Both photos added to the Blantyre archives on the main website. If any of the people featured do not wish their photos added for any reason, please do get in touch.

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