Blantyre Girls wins Beauty Heat

We don’t tend to see “beauty contests” these days, but people will certainly remember they were all the rage back in the day.

In March 1967, the Hamilton and Blantyre branches of the SNP held annual beauty contests, in a hope of also attracting more members to their party.

The Hamilton Competition

Ex world flyweight champion, Walter McGowan attended the Hamilton contest and as judge chose Blantyre girl, Lillian Smith of Wheatland Avenue as winner. Second place went to 19 year old clerk Moria Dunsmore of Devondale Avenue. The girls went forward to a National final at Bannockburn.

1967 Moria Dunsmore & William Clarke

Now, beauty Moria Dunsmore had even more to celebrate around that time, having got married to William Clarke of Hamilton. The couple married in David Livingstone Church, as pictured.

The Blantyre Competition

The Blantyre branch of SNP held a similar competition in March 1967 with TV personality Cliff Hanley attending. SNP candidate Winnie Ewing also attended. Local doctors judged the competition.

The winner was Anne MacFadyen (21) of Berkley Drive, Blantyre. Anne , also a member of the party worked as a machine assistant in Phillips Factory, Hamilton. Reporters added that Anne was one of a set of twins, one of 7 children in the family. She won £5 and a place going forward in the finals.

In second place was Betty MacFarlane (20) of Uddingston and in 3rd place, Muriel Stewart (18) of Glasgow Road.

From “Blantyre Explained” by Paul Veverka (c) 2018

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said,

Etta Morrison I remember Moira from Calder Street School..Bonny looking girl..

Marian Maguire Anne Mc Fadyen is a cousin of a cousin of mine. Opposite sides of the family.

Catherine Davidson Anne Mc Fadyen my big sister . Still a beauty

Catherine Davidson Paul it’s just Mc Fadyen not Mac.

Blantyre Project cheers. will update that on main website

Catherine Davidson Blantyre Project thanks Paul. She moved away from Blantyre after she got married in 1970. She now lives in went as bay with her husband.

Anne Fyfe Thanks for the memories, I didn’t drink alcohol but I was at the Parkville across the road from the hall that miss SNP was in and my friend said I should have a drink for Dutch courage and we both giggled all round the stage I was mortified when my mum told me she had given a photo of me to be printed in the Hamilton Advertiser but life was great then and still is

Catherine Davidson Anne Fyfe aka Anne Mc Fadyen

Maureen Friery Moran I was one of Moira’s bridesmaids. Lovely girl.

Mary McGaulley Moira was my best friend when were at school haven’t seen her since I came to Canada

John Dunsmore Moira, is my cousin her dad. William , was my wee dad. Bobby. Dunsmore brother they stayed devondale ave my parents stayed lime grove Coatshill scheme.

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