1967 Search for High School Land


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How strange it is to see a newspaper report, looking for land for the new Blantyre High School. This report was from March 1967, well before the High School was ever built, indicating the search had been going on for nearly 6 or 7 years beforehand.

The report states, “It will be necessary to reserve an eight acre site centrally in Blantyre for a new Secondary School. At the moment a site of 4.5 acres is earmarked, but this will not be big enough for the comprehensive school system.”

It got me wondering where the 4.5 acres was reserved! Centrally in Blantyre, in 1967? Perhaps near Burnbrae, or at where the current SSHA homes are? If you can recall this news story, before the eventual site at Boswell Drive/Calder Street, I’d love to hear from you!

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said,

George Hay The new school ended up behind schedule too, It didn’t open for 1st year pupils until October 74 (rather than that August) which meant a longer than usual summer holiday for us!

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