1804 Farewell beloved Tiny

1804 "Tiny" laid to rest

1804 “Tiny” laid to rest

On 4th November 2014, I was contacted by Blantyre Project reader John Duffy who said, “ I enclose a photo that you may have or not seen before. I came across this a few years ago whilst out with my kids down the Clyde walkway ( over the Livingstone Memorial Bridge and down the on the way towards Bothwell castle.) If I remember correctly its opposite the Blantyre mill ruins. Now I know that technically might not be Blantyre but could have belonged to a Blantyre family? They must have loved that dog & for someone to keep I guess replacing a grave stone after 200 yrs. I just wondered your thought on this and if you had heard of this.

The gravestone and this story is new to me. The words do look replaced and more modern than 200 years old, so I think John is correct in that it looks like it has been replaced at some point. The carving of the letters are very precise. Unfortunately, I can’t find any more on this touching story, but the love of this pet’s owners is evident.

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