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Enjoying Blantyre Project? Can you please Donate a little to help with 2023/24 Running Costs?

It’s becoming expensive to keep running Blantyre Project. As a non-profit charitable website providing a FREE service here and on Facebook, it may surprise you to know I have unavoidable annual costs of £528 that I seek kind help from readers with. (Each May, In order to research accurately and provide a FREE ancestry service to all Blantyre people, I incur the following annual costs: $19/£15 WordPress domain and website $360/£300 business hosting plan including data storage giving YOU good functionality here. As well as £79 British Newspaper Archive subscription to research new stories and dates, £14 website apps and Ancestry Premium Plan £119.99 to provide FREE ancestry to readers!) Such an archive would usually cost to access, but I’m keen on keeping it free for all readers. I can’t drive down cost, unless I stop researching and posting.

I usually pay this each year, (an expensive hobby!) to ensure this site remains FREE for everybody who follows it.  

It’s a bit of an ask…but if you recognise the effort going into this Project and enjoying all the research and photos, Can you perhaps spare a little donation of a pound or two to help me cover my costs? It’s greatly appreciated. You can choose any amount and pay safely by Paypal, credit or debit card to ‘Blantyre Telegraph’s’ Account which will directly fund Blantyre Project. I don’t hold any card details.

Donation link:

There has to be an easier way….If anybody knows of better ways of funding this project, e.g micro grants, funding, awards, charitable societies etc , please do let me know. Thanks.

1 Comment

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  1. Michael Glangevlin McGovern

    – I just made a donation from New York to help you with the costs of running Blantyre Project. You will never know how you made my late mom’s (Helen Dolan of 2 Waterloo Row) life growing up in Blantyre come alive to me and my siblings. May God shower you and your family with up-teen blessings. With warmest regards, Mike.

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