1957 Victoria Street

Thanks to Elizabeth Weaver who sent in this great photo of Victoria Street , taken in 1957. I’ve arranged for colour to be added and sharpened.

Back in 20214, Elizabeth told me, “It’s funny to see how empty the street is – and to see the old gas lamp. I was only a child when I took this – my brother Brian and I were given wee cameras (Brownie 127) as Christmas presents one year – and I wish I had taken more.”

Of course, in those days, we had the hassle and expense of having them printed out, so we had to explain why we’d taken each one…don’t think my mother was too impressed by my taking shots of a deserted street! See how the hedges are all neat and tidy, too?”

The council put in the wooden fences (in the 20s) still seem to be there in some gardens. Good workmanship and good materials! How great that folk just walked down the middle of the road because there were so few cars! We still played in the streets in the 50s – and not just the pavements.”

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  1. Have a safe and happy Christmas and a good New Year! Thanks for all your good work!

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