1967 Weddings of Blantyre Men

Here’s some more weddings from 1967. First up is Blantyre man William Farrell of Farm Road who married Hamilton bride Janette Coulson, the couple marrying in Hamilton.

1967 Janette Coulson & William Farrell

Next is another Blantyre man Robert Tolson, of Camelon Crescent who married Margaret Bowes of Hillhouse, the couple marrying also in Hamilton.

1967 Robert Tolson & Margaret Bowes

and finally, another Blantyre man Ronald Taylor of Holmswood Avenue married Motherwell bride Elizabeth Nimmo in her hometown.

1967 Ronald Taylor & Elizabeth Nimmo

All photos added to the archive. If for any reason, any of the people featured wish them to be removed, I will of course oblige. Do you know any of the couples?

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Vicki Tolson Mum and dad ❤️♥️❤️ xx

Alex Tolson Lovely picture ❤️❤️❤️

Robert MooreVicki Tolson beautiful photo xxx

Karen McCluskey I was wondering if this was any connection to Robyn, lovely memories xx

Gord Fotheringham Wonder if they are all still married

Vicki Tolson Gord Fotheringham My mum and dad are still married (Tolson)

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