1979 Weddings Blantyre Folk


Let’s look at the weddings of more Blantyre folks from 1979.

1979 Elizabeth Harkess & Alex Johnson wm

1979 Elizabeth Harkess & Alex Johnson

First up was Hamilton lady Elizabeth Harkess who married Alex Johnson of Northway, Blantyre. The couple married in Auchingramont Church in Hamilton.

1979 June Blair & John Moore wm

1979 June Blair & John Moore

Blantyre bride June Blair of Glenfruin Road married John Moore of Glasgow. The couple married in Craig Street at Blantyre Congregational Church.

1979 Shirley Church & Alex Miller wm

1979 Shirley Church & Alex Miller

Shirley Church of East Kilbride married Alex Miller of Mosspark, Blantyre. The couple married also at Blantyre Congregational Church.

Do you know any of the couples? Did they settle in Blantyre?

All photos have been added to the growing archive of wedding photos on the Blantyre Project website. If for any reason any person in these photos wishes them removed, please do get in contact.

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Lesley Jackson Look at that photo!! X

Shirley Miller A lot of years ago still in my teen’s!!!!xx
Linda Ramsden Still as lovely Shirley Miller. 💕💕💕
Shirley Miller We bless you hun thank you xx 💕💕💕
June Moore Wow that was 40years ago in January coming 😉
Margaret Liddle Hi June its me Margaret Liddle from the other end of your bloke in Glenfruin Road, hope you are well and you all doing great, great pic of you and John x
June Moore Hi Margaret so lovely to hear from you. Hope you are all well. We live in Troon now xx

Jan McDonald Leanne Stewart thought you would like to see this x

Leanne Stewart Can’t believe how different my uncle Alex looks 👀👀x

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