1890 West End Junction


1890 west endThis is a photo of Glasgow Road at the junction of Bardykes Road. It’s 1890 or so and a group of miners stand outside the West End Bar (Robert Craig’s Pub). Robert at the time also was about to demolish the Clive Place Public House at the junction of Stonefield Road and build his Old Original Pub, giving him two pubs on Glasgow Road.

Perhaps the miners were on their way to Bardykes Colliery or Blantyreferme. Clearly a working , non sabbath day.

On Social media:

Jim McDougall Would be interesting to know the names of those miner’s

The Blantyre Project 1891 census would reveal all the miners in Blantyre, but even assuming the men pictured are from Blantyre and trying to make an estimate on their age from their appearance, the possible candidates in the census would be many hundreds of people. I think the names of these men are well and truly lost now (unless a photo turns up with them named on the back). However, its a great idea Jim. There are children standing in the doorway of Craigs pub and it should be much easier to find out who they are, assuming a connection with the Craig family.

Stephen Canavan Maura McLauchlin Steven Mclauchlin heres ure pub

Gary Dewar Imagine standing ther now you would get ran over lol.great photo

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  1. Superb picture!

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