Kirkton – 100 years later

2014 Kirkton Overlay with photo from 1915. Shared by R Brownlie

2014 Kirkton Overlay with photo from 1915. Shared by R Brownlie

Thanks to Robert Brownlie who has photoshopped this picture, by overlaying the Kirkton area as it is today, with an old picture taken in exactly the same location, one hundred years earlier! Robert’s expert overlay creates a scene putting the demolished buildings into context as to where they were originally sited in High Blantyre’s Main Street.

I can’t help but feel much of the character of the street has been lost. The commercial attributes, the hustle and bustle of shopping, the characters.

Today, on the left is a little triangular green space, (hardly a park!), phone box and post box. I’m left in no uncertain terms that what was there before was MUCH better.

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