The General’s Bridge, Blantyre

1905 Generals Bridge, Stoneymeadow Road

1905 Generals Bridge, Stoneymeadow Road

The General’s Bridge (of General’s Brig) is situated just outside High Blantyre , beyond Greenhall, on the Stoneymeadow Road, before the entrance to Crossbasket House. It spans over the Rotten Calder river.

It is unknown when the current bridge was built, but there is evidence it replaced an earlier bridge. The current bridge (pictured in 1905) was likely constructed when the turnpike road was built in the 1790’s.

It is often assumed, incorrectly, that the bridge was named after General Wade. The bridge was likely named after General Stewart of Torrance, East Kilbride to give easier access to his property at Crossbasket House or indeed his son General Peter of the same address. (Crossbasket Tower was an original second home of the Stuarts, but was made into a grand house when Victorian Extensions were added to the tower). The lands of Crossbasket were at one time part of East Kilbride Parish. Immediately to the NW of the bridge was the main entrance to the now demolished Calderwood Castle, an impressive building that once attracted tourists to the area.

The bridge is made of stone with an impressive vaulted arch underside , which is far more grand to view from the river, than to drive over the top of it. Benchmarks are carved into the stone abutments on the turnpike roadside. Pictured here by Jim Brown, the arch can clearly be seen in all its glory, as well as evidence of stone abutments from a former bridge and the older Eaglesham / Hamilton road.

We can show you the area thanks to this Youtube video.


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