Rash and Fatal Leap

2013drop to clyde blantyre

The accident happened on the right near this scene

During one Tuesday evening in Blantyre in 1865, a young man of twenty two years, named Edward Sprint met his fate. A moulder, residing at Uddingston, along with some fellow workmen had been indulging rather freely in liquor in a public house in Blantyre.

At eleven o’clock at night they left and proceeded to a labourer’s house at Blantyre Works Village. Behind the labourer’s house, it appears there is a perpendicular rock sixteen feet high, but which was protected only by a stub and rail fence. Sprint, on leaving this last place of all was followed out by friends. He was, however, infatuated enough to dash recklessly through the fence, although cautioned and even restrained by his companion, and fell over the side of the rock, to the Clydeside. He sustained concussion of the brain and broke his left thigh bone. Dr Goff, of Bothwell was immediately dispatched (presumably nearby over the suspension bridge) and when he arrived, the unfortunate young man was dead.

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