Wrecking Spree after Late Goals

A shop was completely wrecked on Glasgow Road on Saturday 26th October 1912, after a football result didn’t go the way a fan thought.

On that particular evening, a rather merry Hutchison McKinnon, a Blantyre miner entered the grocers shop on Glasgow Road and started a conversation with some boys about the days football results. The conversation quickly turned to an argument when Hutchison maintained that his team, Rangers had won their match that day. However, the boys had different news telling him that though Rangers had been leading the match for most of the way, two late goals against them near the end, had seen them beaten.

When the boys pointed out his mistake, Hutchison wasn’t happy and chased them out the shop. He then returned to the shop to continue his purchase, only for the shopkeeper to point out that indeed the boys had been right and his team had lost. Hutchison’s demeanour instantly changed, telling the shopkeeper he was going to wreck the place. Before any other words were uttered, he jumped over the counter and as the shopkeeper cowered in the corner, the angry fan broke several lemonade bottles and smashed up three pastry stands, toppling the wares to the floor. He next entered the back kitchen and knocked over a tea set, breaking cups, saucers and plates. He also destroyed two pounds of meat and a pound of tomatoes. The police were quickly fetched, alerted by the boys and on arrival found the premises in utter confusion and disarray and the wrecking spree still taking place. An arrest was made.

In Hamilton Justice of Peace Court, on the Monday, Hutchison McKinnon pleaded guilty to conducting himself in extraordinary manner that Saturday night. The Justices passed sentence of sixty days’ imprisonment.

[Source: Dundee Courier Tuesday 29th October 1912]

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