Blantyre Weddings 1979/1980

More Blantyre Weddings! This time from end of 1979 and into early 1980.

1980 Anne Taylor & Thomas Stevenson

First up is Miss Anne Taylor of Carlowrie Avenue who married Thomas Stevenson, who lived just up the road! The couple married in St Joseph’s Church.

1980 Eleanor Roxburgh & George King

Also around that time, well known dance teacher Eleanor Roxburgh of Sydes Brae married George King of Glassford. The couple married at High Blantyre Old Parish Church.

We hope both couples have had a happy marriage, their photos now added to the archives on the Blantyre Project website. If for any reason, they wish them to be removed, please just let me know.

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Laura Davidson Happy to report George and Eleanor, 40 years on are still happily married, 2 kids and 4 grandchildren later xx
Blantyre Project thats brilliant.

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