1980 Botterils of Blantyre


1980 Jim Botterill at warehouse

Pictured here in February 1980 is Jim Botterill junior being given a lift by Jim Docherty. They’re pictured at their new warehouse, a 4000 square foot premises which allowed the company to service their shops using their own vans. In 1980, Botterils had 8 shops throughout the area, the latest at that time being on Stonefield Road, Blantyre.

Keeping their family in the business was the key to success for Botterills of Blantyre. When the expanded warehouse was opened at 1 Rosendale Way (Auchinraith Trading Estate), they found themselves with FOUR times the storage space including two large general offices which were located at the front of the building. There was also 3 private offices and a kitchen for staff.

Staff immediately felt the benefits. There was a lot more space for workers. The new warehouse enabled Botterills to be able to stock a larger range of goods. Botterills were also keen on updating the image of the traditional corner shop, by offering modern shelves with special offers, discounts and affordable prices that didn’t fluctuate too often.

Botterils of Blantyre began in 1957 when Jim Botterill senior opened his first shop at 56 Coatshill Avenue, Blantyre.  Five years later in 1962, his brother William joined the business when they opened their second shop at 43 Farm Road, Blantyre.

Jim Botterill junior joined the family firm in 1966 after leaving school. Two years later they expanded again. Trading under the “Spar” name they carried a full range of groceries, wines and spirits. In 1980, alcohol made up around a third of the business and 85 people were employed by the business in many varied roles.

From the book, “Blantyre Explained” by Paul Veverka (c) 2019

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Billy Purse auld jimmy d, man as a hatter, sadly missed
Henry Hambley I had always thought that Botterils had started in a shop on Glasgow Road beside the Burleigh church. Am i mistaken ?
Moyra Lindsay Henry Hambley I think that too. That was Annie I think. She used to make wee ice lollies from orange juice. I thought you were too young to remember this.
Henry Hambley Aw. Thanks for the compliment but my next birthday will be 70 ! Grateful that someone else remembers this. I seem to remember that the Botterils lived in auchinraith road just opposite Herbertson Street
Moyra Lindsay Henry Hambley I think Lees of macaroon fame lived there too Maisie Whittaker might help there? Maybe Annie didn’t count as she was Mrs Botterill? I’m trying to remember her own name!! I was at Auchinraith with her niece Ann Craig.
Nanette Botterill Moyra Lindsay her maiden name was Strang.
Maisie Whittaker Moyra Lindsay ,i remember Botterills was on the main street as well .Lees did live on Auchinraith Road ,my husbands mum and dad bought the house from them 1958
Joan Anderson Mum and Dad knew the family well and I was at young Jim’s 21st with my boyfriend at that time
Catherine Docherty Aw nice to see my dad gettin a mention. Wit a man xx
Stewart Hay Jimmy doc help me with the yts with botterills
Derek Kelly I remember old Jimmy Doc still coming up to the warehouse once he’d retired to have a blether with John Hutchison & John Brown.
Catherine Docherty My dads boys as he called them were a big part of my dads life. Hutchy, John Fallon Jnr, john brown, tony brown, David Dick to name but a few.
Tricia White My mum worked in here for a while too Catherine Docherty xx
Traci Smith I worked in the Clydeview shop part time and mostly on the later shifts about early eighties before moving away from High Blantyre in 1985. I still remember the other shops before they open in Clydeview.
Stephen Allan Traci Smith Botterils on Clydeview shopping centre. Where abouts as I remember back at the start of the 90s a shop called Capital frozen foods right at the bottom corner of the part that has been demolished now.
Traci Smith Stephen Allan It was not that long after they open the new shop at Clydeview .I used to work alot of Friday and Saturday nights
Traci Smith I moved away about a couple of years after that haven’t been down in Blantyre in a long while .
Iam pretty sure like any place there has been a lot of changes but not sure if Asda is still around there.
James Sime Stephen Allan it was in the unit that was recently the laundry, next to the chinese. Both now lying empty.
Joyce Hamilton My mum Jessie Hamilton worked in Coatshill Botterills shop and post office for 30 years or so I believe. I also worked there for a number of years before moving to the office.
John Cunning Long time ago you stayed in morven ave I stayed in carlowrie ave I knew jessie spoke to her every morning before going to school dad sent me for paper every morning as he was comming off night shift from hallside steel works.
Jean Orr John heard about your dad only recently, had missed the white bunnet out walking for a wee while. Sorry to have missed his funeral Jean ( Watson)
Mary Ann Poneszkis I used to wash Billy Botterills car every Saturday afternoon and he’d give me half a crown, I thought I was rich lol 😂 it was a lot of money when we were weans. xx
Linda Halpin My mum Alice Carroll was a great customer of Botterils at Coatshill xx

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