1976 Elizabeth & Henry Hambley


1976 Elizabeth & Henry Hambley

This happy wedding picture from 30 Oct 1976 was taken in Blantyre Old Parish church.  Pictured is Elizabeth and Henry Hambley.
Elizabeth was from Blantyre and Henry moved to Hamilton from Blantyre. They were married by the late Rev John Silcox who had just moved to Blantyre following the death of Rev John Notman. They were the 2nd couple to be married by John Silcox.
With thanks to Henry for sharing this happy moment, now archived into Blantyre Project.

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Cullen Shaw The same Henry Hambley who was at Hamilton Academy with me and went on to become an eminent haematologist I think?
Elizabeth Weaver Great photo, Henry Hambley.
Violet Elder Lovely photo
Liz Allan Remember Rev Silcox fondly
Derek Nicholson My aunt and uncle. You scrubbed up well aunt biff 
Moira Todd We were there!!….. Elizabeth had been our bridesmaid 2 years before in the same church & is wearing my veil as her” something borrowed” !!….. Jim & I were married by Rev John Notman.

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