1967 Weddings of Blantyre folk

Continuing a look at some weddings of Blantyre folk. We’re going back to over 50 years now to 1967. First up is Miss Helen Yoker of Bellairs Place who married Cpl William Foley of Auchinraith Terrace. The couple married in St Josephs RC Church on Glasgow Road.

1967 Helen Yoker & William Foley

Next, is Mary Hasson of South View and Robert Macgowan of Cambuslang. The couple also married in 1967 at Stonefield Parish Church on Glasgow Road.

1967 Mary Hasson & Robert Macgowan

And finally in this article, Moira Crother of Stathmore Avenue married Hamilton man Stephen Trainer, with their wedding taking place in St Joseph’s RC Church.

1967 Moria Crother & Stephen Trainer

Here’s hoping these couples have had a long happy marriage. All photos added to the growing archive. If for any reason they wish these photos to be removed from the Blantyre archive, they can of course get in contact and I’d oblige immediately.

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Kate Mcinulty Lovely photos. X

Karen BissettMaureen DransfieldStephen Trainer your Mum and Dad x

Stephen TrainerKaren Bissett great picture Karen, made me smile, thanks. X

Maureen Dransfield Oh my. 💕💕💕 got me in tears here sat at my desk at work. One of my favourite pics of mum and dad xxx. Love it xx

Fiona Wedlock Lovely picture Stephen and Maureen! 😍

Sadie Hamilton Nice memories with family. Xx

Cathy Wedlock What a good looking couple 😍

Sadie Hamilton If I can remember properly the reception was in Parkville. X

Maureen DransfieldSadie Hamilton yeah it was Sadie. Not far to walk from the Joes lo

Anne Cameron Great photo of your mum and dad

Maureen DransfieldAnne Cameron i have it in a frame Anne its one of my absolute favourites xx

Maureen Dransfield Blantyre Project – thanks for this – my parents wre Moira and Stevie Trainer and are both gone now but would have loved this. They were married for 40 years before Dad passed away and mum left us 18 months later. Thanks for the unexpected memories

Adele HigginsMaureen Dransfield it was such a great wedding too xxx

Sadie Hamilton💖M

Adele Higgins Oh my . Moria and Steven , Blessxxxx

Andrew Foley My mum and dad, still living in Blantyre, William and Helen Foley, now grandparent to three. Thank you for this, I shall share this with them.

Angela Trainer It’s Mary Crothers (known as Moira) and Stephen Trainer (known as Stevie). Mum and Dad – spell their names right please.

Rae Lyons Beautiful photo Maureen

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