January Book Sales

January’s £205 book sales revenue raised by Blantyre Project has was again been given to sister charity website, “Blantyre Telegraph” who distributed it to 3 different causes. Absolutely thrilled and amazed by how this is ‘snowballing’.

A donation of £120 to Bonnie Blantyre Environmental Group to help with pots, seeds, flowers and soil was made a few weeks ago. Also £65 to buy runners up medals and certificates for this years Blantyre Oscars and finally £20 to High Blantyre Primary in their charity tin.

bonnie blantyre

Thank you again sincerely for all the loyal support from people buying Blantyre Project books and donating to the community via this method. Much appreciated and as always, once the cost of the book production is taken off, I retain not one penny.

You can support the community in this way by purchasing a Blantyre Project book at ANY time here https://blantyreproject.com/blantyre-shop/ Thanks.

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