

Do YOU need help with tracing your Blantyre ancestors? Perhaps you want to know more about them, where they lived or what they did? Or want to ask about a building, news event or something else? I’m here to help, first come, first served…for FREE (as long as there’s a Blantyre connection)

Just tell me the full name of the person you want to know more about and who they were married to.   If you have more information, especially dates (e.g births, marriages, deaths even better!) Requests are particularly successful for investigation before 1935. Click the blue SUBMIT button and your question will be added to the Question Archive.  NOTE, it may take several weeks to investigate & reply, but I’ll get there! Regards, Paul.

“We should all know where we’ve come from, before we plan on where we’re going”

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  1. I wonder if you could try help me. I am tracing my relatives and it has brought me to high Blantyre and Hamilton. My gran Mary Jane Ewing was born in Hamilton on 10th march 1902 to Robert Alexander Ewing and Annie Ewing, nee Roulston, both of whom were born in ireland. I have Annie’s death certificate which states she died on 27th jan 1913 in bellshill hospital but it states her usual address was Butterfield farm, High Blantyre, but i cannot find any details of this place at all. Also i cannot find any details of Robert Ewing death, but it says on Annie’s death certificate that he stays in Butterfield farm. Please can you shed any light on Butterfield farm and point me in the right direction to find Roberts death date as i know it was after 1942 as he is not listed as deceased on my grans (mary jane ewing) 2nd wedding cert and i have tried all the usual channels but don’t know churches in the area to try search their records

  2. My husband’s Great-Grandmother, Janet Boyd, was born in Blantyre in 1870. In the 1890’s, she worked on Alexander Lambie’s farm, Pilmuir Farm, in Scotland. While working as a farm servant on the farm in 1894, she became pregnant, left the farm, returned home to Blantyre and gave birth to my husband’s grandfather, Thomas Boyd. There is NO mention of the father on any papers as far as I can find. Is there anything YOU can do to help me find out this information? HIs mother Janet went on to get married and left wee Thomas behind to be raised by his grandparents and uncles.

    Janet Boyd went on to marry John Stafford and moved to Glasgow. They had 3 children, and one of the children, Mary Boyd Stafford Mulholland died in 1980 in Blantyre. I am hoping to find a living relative of hers who might have a photo of Janet Boyd. My husband (born in Paisley but now lives in California) has NEVER seen a photo of his Great-Grandma Janet Boyd. I am a member of but I am hitting dead ends.

    Thank you so much in advance.

    Bobbie Hamilton
    (Wife of Iain Hamilton)

    1. After more research, I have determined that Mary Stafford Mulholland did not have children of her own. She married Mr. Mulholland late in life and he already had 2 children. He died shortly after their marriage. Mary did have 2 full siblings (in addition to her half sibling Thomas Boyd), named John Boyd Mulholland and Robert Mulholland. I am reaching dead ends on their children.

    2. Have you tried searching the web site Scotland’s People. I cost some money to look at documents but if you have good details as to date of birth, location and parents it can be helpful

      1. Hi and thank you so much for your response. I have absolutely tried them and I’m still coming up with dead ends.

        1. ** REQUEST 82 THOMAS BOYD **

          Hi Bobbie – I’ve looked through paternity cases and don’t see any court case between Janet and the mystery male for the time period. This is fairly telling and I have to conclude that the father may have been ok about Janet taking the baby away, or perhaps didn’t even know about the birth! This could be a distinct possibility. In Scotland , a mother has a right not to put the father on the birth certificate, entitling her to full custody of the child. The father could have been added anytime but wasn’t. I retrieved Thomas’s birth certificate and it clearly does not show the father. Neither does his marriage certificate.

          There is a variety of reasons a mother doesn’t put the father on a birth certificate. Most however, reveal abandonment or some sort of fallout or concealment. In all cases, the reasons aren’t usually good. Janet Boyd went to some lengths to NOT put the father on the certificate, happy to sign it off with Thomas being illegitimate.

          Thats a dead end, as was checking newspaper reports and I fear it will be most difficult to ever understand who the father was. A next step was to check Thomas’s name. Did Janet name him after the missing father? I don’t think so unfortunately. Thomas was born Thomas John Boyd. Janet’s grandfather was Thomas, her father was John. This boy simply took the names of his own grandfather and great grandfather, again with no hint or nod to the father.

          I cannot imagine why she left Thomas with her mother, but a new love in John Stafford may have had something to do with that. It seems she quickly had children to her husband and one has to wonder if they even knew about Thomas, their step sibling.

          Putting ourselves into the mindset of Janet Boyd, she lost her grandfather Thomas Milldown on 29th December 1893 and then lost her father shortly after on 21st August 1894, whilst she was 5 or 6 months pregnant. That means her poor mother Mary Boyd lost her father and husband within 8 months of each other, so it’s little wonder her daughter Janet came back from farm to be there for her. Being pregnant would have meant the end of her time as a farm servant during 1894 certainly.

          Around 1903 Newlands was demolished and replaced instead was new tenement buildings called Ulva Place. (thats the correct address you’re looking for; 3 Ulva Place) which was in the same location. The 3 storey building is no longer there.

          I’m glad Thomas grew up to get married in 1917. Pictured is Thomas Boyd and wife Elizabeth Cruickshank. He may very well have been a man who never ever found out who his own father was. I wonder if he pressed Janet about this anytime before her death in 1941.

          Hope this helps a little. I’ve scheduled a post to appear on the website on 8th August 2020.

        2. Hi Bobbie we may have a connection I to am looking into Boyd connection the Boyd ‘ s married into the Campbell Neilson Family More closely related to Margaret Barclay and William Neilson the story goes that a baby was taken to New Zealand and adopted out to a person name Smith and taken to the USA I am looking for my information on this My computer crashed some time ago lost allot of files Hope this gives you some way to look My Campbells are from Blantyre

          1. Hi Mary. I got excited for a minute, but wrong family. The illegitimate child of Janet Boyd was born in 1894 in Blantyre and was named Thomas Boyd. That is my husband’s grandfather. He stayed in Scotland his whole life. Thank you trying to help me. I appreciate it.

  3. My family come from blantyre and halfway – owen dignall was my grandfather he saved a fellow miners life james cook, also my paternal grandfather came from blantyre William Johnstone


      Hi Caroline. Can you clarify is the name Own Dignall or Dingwall? Getting the name exact is important. Can you tell me anything else about William Johnstone , who he married, when, dob etc. Just need a little bit more info to ensure im looking at the right family.

      1. Hi paul its owen Dignall my father william johnstone is aged 71 and married my mum jean Dignall in blantyre in september 1973

      2. My paternal grandfather William johnstone married elizabeth downie not sure of date sorry

  4. Hello Paul,
    Further to our fb conversation I am looking for any information there may be about my gt grandfather William McConnell. He was killed while on his way home from a pensioners Christmas meal in 1964. This was on Bardykes Road, not far from his home in Park Crescent. He had lived in Blantyre most of his life.His pals were apparently Tarzan and Jake!! I would love to know if anyone remembers him, and better still has a photo. I can email further info if required.
    Many thanks


      Hi Sue. I’ve had a little look at this, but you may have all this information. No photos (yet) but i’ve scheduled a post about WIllie to appear on the site on 15th August 2018 along with some basic documentation, so hopefully it will attract attention from somebody with a photo. Hope this is of interest.

      “William (Willie) McConnell was born on 12th May 1881 in Galston, Ayrshire. When he was born, his father, John McConnell, was 37 and his mother, Elizabeth Hurst, was 32.

      Willie had moved to Blantyre by the First World War after marrying Elispeth Bowie in Ayrshire. Together they had one son, John in 1900. He also lived and worked in England for a spell prior to WW1 whilst on service duty. Sadly, his wife Elispeth passed away on 29 September 1918 in Blantyre, Lanarkshire, at the young age of 30.

      Willie quickly remarried again, this time to Elizabeth Weir, a domestic servant 16 years his junior. She was a neighbour at Merry’s Rows, where he stayed. Willie was a miner for Merry & Cunningham at the Auchinraith Pit nearby and would have lost him employment and house when the pit closed in 1931.

      However, things looked up in Autumn 1931, as new homes to improve Blantyre had just been built that year and the previous, at High Blantyre. William moved to 9 Park Crescent in 1931 and lived there the rest of his life. These were spacious, large homes with inside toilets and washing facilities. They offered a living room as well as bedroom and were a vast improvement from the tired old Merry’s Rows. It would have been an exciting move and huge improvement in quality of life. Williams home was rented at £15 per year, one of the larger houses. Within a year or two, vast improvements to the adjacent fields were being made when the large High Blantyre Public Park was constructed next to Park Crescent. Re-employment as a miner in that location, meant that William likely worked at Dixons’ High Blantyre Pit, not far off. After WW2, Willie like other miners at Dixon’s would have celebrated the Nationalising of the Coal Industry, celebrated in ceremony at Dixons Pits in 1947.

      If retiring at state pensionable age, it seems Willie would have retired before the closure of the pits in the 1950s.

      On the evening of Christmas Day 1964, 84 year old Willie McConnell was coming back from a Christmas Day dinner and was knocked down by a van on Bardykes Road, Blantyre. He sadly passed away from his injuries. His daughter Jean placed a memorial notice in the local newspaper and it mentions also that he was remembered by ‘Tarzan and Jake’. He had being living latterly in life in Park Crescent, High Blantyre.

      Now this is a long shot, but it would be great if somebody had a photo of Willie to accompany this story, or indeed to give to his family. They don’t have any photos of him, despite the relatively modern era. Also, who was “Tarzan or Jake”, perhaps elderly friends in the 1960s? If you know anything else that can be added to this story, please let me know.”

      1. Oh my gosh Paul this article is amazing!! There is a lot of information here about the pits and the housing especially, that I did not know about!! The only comment I would have is that he had 4 children…there was Archie, Elizabeth and Jane/Jeannie as well as John. It was from Jeanie’s daughter that I found out that it was apparently a motorbike that knocked him down and not a van. Thank you so much for all your help and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a positive response.
        Sue Hainsworth

  5. Hi there Paul, in the 1950’s a company called Gilbert Ash, from the UK, was in Blantyre doing some construction work. My father worked for them, as a Storekeeper. I was born in Blantyre, and would appreciate any information or assistance in helping me trace my father, or any living relatives. Warm Regards. Pat Taylor

    1. ** REQUEST 90 – UNKNOWN MALE **

      HI Pat – this is obviously a difficult and sensitive request. With no names to go on, it’s going to be a lucky strike if anybody remembers this. Can you give me more information. Did your mother bring you up or have her full name? When were you born, so we can work out a more accurate date for your dad being in Blantyre. Are there any family stories around this. Apologies, without a little bit more detail, this is going to be very difficult. Apologies for the time taken to get to this request.

  6. hi paul can u help me on this father john Thomson born 1865-1919 mother Hannah fraser 1869-1919 had 7 kids trying to trace Jessie born 1890-1949 she married Robert flemiing had 3 kids david 1909 born Blantyre john Thomson 1913 born Rutherglen john married doris edna Gibson married in 1950 Hannah 1915 born Blantyre did david Hannah marry can u find there birth death marrage and if they had any kids ina i think they lived in ruthglen

    1. ** REQUEST 89 **

      Hi Ina – Please see my response below on your previous requests about the Thomson family ancestry. Thanks.

  7. Hi Paul
    I was in touch with you last August for some help with my Nairm/Robertson ancestors. I also spoke to you at the Family History Day at Motherwell. I see my request is on Page 3. Robert Nairn was one of the Ferrymen on the ferry between Blantyre & Bothwell. Have you had any luck with these families. Also would you tell me which book has the info about the Ferry, & about the structure near to Livingstone Memorial which has details about the Ferry on it. I’ve tried to find it , but no one seems to know where it is. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. Isabel.


      Hi Isabel. I did reply on 19th August under your previous request on page 3, exploring the lives of some of the relevant Robertson family. The response is shown in public under your initial enquiry on the previous page. I think its my Journey in Time Volume 2 book which touches on the ferry, but only briefly.

      The modern structure near the David Livingstone Centre is a rain shelter. Made of iron, it was erected in recent years and has the inscription on the side cut out of the structure to show what the original ferry sign said. I’ve photographed and touched upon it here in this article:

      Located in the gardens near the bottom of the steps behind the Africa Pavillions, the iron shelter stands approx 4m tall with a pitched roof. The walls and roof has a design in it, which I have to admit doesn’t make it entirely rainproof. As such, the structure which dates from March 2015 is more of a folly, with little attention given to the ground around it.

      It does however redeem itself fully in the form of another talking point in the grounds themselves and a nice touch is that the walls are punctured to read with the old regulations from 20th July 1839, for the nearby former ferry crossing for Blantyre Works Mills, at a time some 13 years before Monteith built the first suspension bridge.

      Crossing fares ranged from between halfpenny and a rather expensive sixpence which would have involved waking up the ferryman at night. Fares probably set at that to discourage being out of the village at dusk or night.

      It is worth a look next time you’re down near Station Road and the Centre grounds. The David Livingstone Centre is currently closed until 2021 for renovation.

  8. I would be grateful for any information about the school or the book…I found a book (Poems Of Tenyson) in a cupboard and on the front it says – Blantyre Parish School Board Low Blantyre Public School Special Prize Presented To Marion Forrest on Completion of Night Years Perfect Attendance At This School 16th June 1911. I’m not sure if it was presented to my Great Grandmother or her daughter.


      Hi Douglas. Sorry this has taken so long. Alfred Tennyson was British poet who passed away in 1892. He was a popular Victorian poet and books continued to be published well after his death, as they still are today. This would have been a nice gift for Marion, who did so well attending school all those years. That reflects highly too on her parents who would have helped enforce that.

      You didn’t send me a photo, but I’ve found this photo online which suitably illustrates todays article. Lack of attendance ran high in the 1900’s and 1910s, so Marion did very well and the timing reflects a presentation not just at the end of the school term, but nearing the end of her time at that school. She would have been used to a new sight of Blantyre trams trundling past the school at that busy area of Blantyre.

      The School referred to in the book is Low Blantyre School, of Stonefield Parish School, sometimes nicknamed as “Ness’s School”. It was one of two schools which opened on the same day in 1875 and was located on the corner of Glasgow Road and Victoria Street in Blantyre. It’s now the site of the Blantyre Library and Asda’s Warehouse and no longer there.

      Marion Cooper Forrest was born in Blantyre in 1897. The book being presented in 1911, meant she was approximately 14 years old.

      I’ve scheduled a post today to appear on the main website. Have a good weekend.

  9. Hi Paul, hope you are well ? What an interesting story today about Mr Charles Donnelly who went to New York. Mrs Berry was my Great Grandmother, and her son Owen, ( my grandfather ) also went to America and I wonder if it was because of Charles ? My Grandpa stayed for a few years but came back to Blantyre. Oh I think there might be a story here ! Would you be able to help ? I think I still have the name of the ship he sailed on. X

    Kind regards

    Sent from my iPad

    Sent from my iPad


      Hi Irene. The part of this story i have is here as was posted a while back. I wouldnt be able to assume anything of course, only track facts where people lived. If you have more details, i’d be happy to try to piece some things together. Please be advised though, due to the research databases im subscribed to and in the interests of modern privacy, I tend not to look into things too much beyond WW2. There’s a Blantyre connection, so I’m happy to help if you have more info to get started on. All the best.

  10. Hi. Finding out a lot recently that Daniel Bell my father I think was born in Glasgow Road, Burnbank in the early 1920s and am trying to find more of his life there. Thank you

    1. ** REQUEST 85 DANIEL BELL **

      Hi Cathy. I can’t see any Daniel Bell living in Blantyre in the 1920s onwards to 1940s. You will likely be right that it was Burnbank. If so, this is in Hamilton, not Blantyre. Unfortunately, due to the number of requests and the nature of this project and website, I can only research Blantyre related stories and articles for free. May I point you towards HISTORIC HAMILTON on facebook or on google, which may be able to help with this. All the best.

  11. Hello (possibly again). I thought I left a message last night but I do not see it on the posts. My name is Scott Browne from Toronto Canada here in Hamilton/Blantyre until Friday morning. Please email me at address below if you can help me or got my original message. If not I will resend to you when you advise. Being kicked out of Hamilton Library but Angela says you are super nice.

    Best wishes

    1. Hi Scott – The first time a person posts here it is moderated, just in case its spam. i.e i have to approve which I normally do within 24 hours. You should be able to post freely anywhere now and all the comments you’ve made will now be there.

      1. Yes thank you, I did see it afterwards so I’m sorry.

        I’m starting out now to go around Blantyre. (Lovely Scotish day). Is there anything you can think of to assist me in my quest

  12. My name is Scott Brown, form Canada. I arrived last night in Blantyre/Hamilton and I’m here searching for history on my Grandma’s family the Stewart’s (I know right). I am hoping someone out their will know my Gram’s family. Parents Malcolm Stewart (a butcher as was his father and uncles) and Annie Kelly. First lived in Hamilton and had Alexander and John both of whom I believe died in WWI. Then came Elizabeth (Bessie) who married John Young. Malcolm married Janet Smith Duncan, Margaret (unmarried), My Gram Jane Jeanie” who moved to Canada at 18yrs of age. Then Agnes, Jessie (hus Robert MacIntyre and lastly Gilbert and John who died within a month of one another in Italy 1924. Their was a Butcher Shop that may have me in Burnbank but was definitely called Stewart’s Butcher. They lived primarily at 6 Hardie Street in Balantyre but also at 99 Auchinfaith Road, Blantyre and 5 Ann Street, Hamilton. Please if this family rings a bell with anyone contact me even if its after i leave Friday April 27, 2018.

    God Bless and best wishes

    1. ** REQUEST 84 STEWARTS **

      Hi Scott – just closing off some of the comments on the requests page. Did any of the Blantyre Project readers ever get in touch with you about this ancestry line? Is there any specific request I can help with? Hope you enjoyed your trip to Scotland.

      1. I did not receive any details about the Stewart’s unfortunately. I would appreciate any back stories of the family such as any stories if the family Butcher shop that was in family for several decades. I will admit that though they lived in Blantyre from early 1900s the shop may have been in Burnbank but I have not confirmed. Anything you can find would be great

  13. Looking for pictures of Spittal Terrace which came under Cambuslang, my father was a electrician in Bardykes Colleriery (Peter Simm) My mum Rita Simm (nee Goodfellow) my brothers Andrew & William and myself lived in the two storey building next to put head. I think we stayed there from 1949 – 1963-64 due to put closing. Happiest part of my childhood.
    All our relatives came from Blantyre and I thought as a child that we stayed in Blantyre.

    1. trying to find our family this is what ive got john Thomson 1865-1919 married Hannah fraser 1865-1919 lived in broompark road had 6 kids only need few more info on them john fraser Thomson 1888-1954 magaret Nicholas 1890-1962 they had 3 kids Robert dob and death marriage john fraser 1923 don’t k where when he died also john fraser 1865- 19 need his sister brothers Jessie born 1890 need her death marrage mary g 1892 death marriage david 1902 death marrage hope u can help me Ina Barrie Sanders

      1. ** REQUEST 81 **

        Hi Ina – Please see my response below on the Thomson family ancestry. Thanks.


      Hi Rachel. I’m sorry, i don’t have any photos on Blantyre Project of Spittal Terrace. Some of the old houses just beyond it are on the website, but not specifically Spittal Terrace. One of the ‘Old Cambuslang’ facebook groups may be able to help with this. Here’s the link to photos of Spittal House, Spittal Farm and the few articles i have about this area, just over the boundary from Blantyre. Hope this helps.

  14. I am trying to do some research into where my family are from and I have found out that some of my family on my mums side came from Blantyre. My mums father was Charles Brookens Forrest who was born in Blantyre around 1894 and I think her Grandfather – Maxwell Forrest was born in Blantyre as well around 1854. I would be very grateful for some information on the above.

    1. My Maiden name was Ann Pearson , now Allan, and I was brought up in Pitlochry, Perthshire., now live in Edinburgh.
      My mum, before she married my dad, was Agnes Lennon and she was born in Blantyre, Scotland.
      Her mum, my granny, was Agnes Lennon nee Stokes M.S. Feechan.
      They lived at 77 Auchinraith Road, Blantyre. I know my granny is buried in Blantyre beside her son Colin.
      I would love to know more about my grans background. Also my grandad was Bernard Lennon and would be lovely to know more about him also.
      Would appreciate any info.
      Many thanks.
      P.S. how do I get on your Facebook Page? Thanks.

    2. Christine forrest

      Hi there I was discussing my family tree with an elderly aunt recently we come from Blantyre and named forrest and found a Maxwell Forrest a cousin of my fathers although born in the 1920 or thirties in Blantyre unusual name. He played football for cambuslang Rangers and was well known my aunt has photos which appeared in newspapers

      1. Hi Christine, according to my family history one John Clark Forrest of Blantyre was my great-great-grandfather. I was however adopted and I would like to be put in contact with other descendants of John Clark Forrest and his wife Annie Logan if possible, with a view to comparing my autosomal DNA with theirs’. I am also keen to extend my family tree. If you feel able to help and want to see my current-model family tree with a view to improving/enhancing it you can also contact me on to see a copy.

    3. ** REQUEST 79 MAXWELL FORREST b1853-d1920 **

      Hi Douglas. Sorry this has taken so long. Hopefully its been worth the wait. I’ve scheduled the following post to appear on the website on 3rd July 2020.

      I know of three Maxwell Forrests who were born in Blantyre. Two were born in 1901 and 1929 respectively and the unusual name would indicate a connection to the mid 19th Century Maxwell.

      Maxwell Forrest was born on 21st August 1853 in Blantyre Parish. This was just before 1855 birth records started and therefore one has to refer to the old Church Baptism Church registers. He was the son of William Forrest and Helen Brownlee. Forrest and Brownlee being two very strong, prominent names of the Barnhill area of Blantyre.

      This is a Blantyre family with solid, old foundations in the area. William Forrest was born in 1801 and was a carter and was still conducting that profession at the age of 60 from his home at Larkfield in 1861. Sons Thomas, Robert and Charles assisted and that year, Maxwell Forrest was a scholar, aged 7. He likely attended the school at School Lane for Blantyre School had not yet been built at Hunthill Road and a small schoolroom at Barnhill had closed in 1855. The whole family were born in Blantyre and it is known from the census that there was only 1 room in their house which had a window!

      Their neighbours including the Main family, Struthers and Morrisons, who were also carters. (A carter was the driver of horse-drawn carts for transporting goods. A Carter typically drove a light two wheeled cart made of wood)

      Sometime before 1871, Maxwell ended up at Cambuslang for a time, but was back in Blantyre by 1881, aged 28., employed in the family business, you guessed it….as a carter!

      Sometime in the 1880’s following the death of his father, Maxwell moved to the Village and was employed by his brother on the family farm at Blantyre Mill Farm (which later gave its name to Farm Road). They were farmers, rather than carters. Maxwell was 36, unmarried and lived with his elder brother Charles and his family. He was on the payroll of his brother.

      In 1892, Maxwell decided to marry and at the age of 37, settled with Marion, his new bride 17 years his junior, then aged only 20. Marion had been the dairymaid at the Forrest’s Farm in the Village and I’m in no doubt that’s where they met! Their marriage meant setting up home for themselves. Moving to the new tenements at the bottom of Stonefield Road (next to the Valerio family) gave them opportunity for a new home and to set up a new business in the thriving area of Stonefield. Maxwell set up his own metalwork business, perhaps buying it from another family member. In this immediate area in previous decades had been a metalwork business “Mitchell and Forrest” as early as the 1860s.

      His brother Charles Forrest, operated under the trading name of C&A Forrest continuing to farm at Blantyre Mill (or sometimes Blantyre Works) Farm into the 19th Century. They are listed as the farmers of Blantyre Works Farm in 1915 and certainly for quite some time after that. Today, it’s no longer there, instead modern homes on Farm Road. The Farm used to sit at the junction of Kerr Street and Farm Road.

      Maxwell and Marion were known to have had 5 children at Stonefield Road by 1911. Charles Brookens Forrest was the second oldest son, indeed born in 1894 at Stonefield, Blantyre.

      Maxwell died in 1920, aged 67.

      1. ** REQUEST 80 BERNARD LENNON **

        Hi Ann. Hope this is interesting…..Bernard Lennon was born in Blantyre in 1901 and lived here throughout his life.

        Bernard was a small man at only 5 foot 5, with black hair and grey eyes. When WW1 arrived he was too young too join, but as the war became prolonged, by 1918, Bernard found himself eligible for the draft. He joined the 52 TR Battalion and one can only imagine what he felt going off to fight when he knew clearly what had happened in the previous 4 years. Thankfully, his time in the army was short lived and his discharge paper suggest he was “well behaved” and his military conduct was “good”.

        Following his return from the war, it was time to make his mark on the world and like many young men, he set his sights on being a miner. By 1921, he had moved out his parents home at Melbourne Place (the Buggy Buildings) and was renting a tenement at 238 Glasgow Road, Low Blantyre. Aged 20 that year, he took up employment as a miner.

        The son of John Lennon, a steelwork labourer and Bridget McGurk, the young man had an eye for an older lady who lived on a street nearby. Agnes Feechan was 11 years older and that year was a widow when her husband by surname Stokes had passed. Agnes lived at 63 Auchinraith Road at Radnor Place, an address not so far away. She was a home housekeeper and clearly the couple fell in love.

        On 31st January 1922, Bernard and Agnes married at St Joseph’s Church on Glasgow Road. He was 21, she was 32. Bernard moved in with Agnes following the marriage and together they rented tenement accommodation at Radnor Place on Auchinraith Road. In 1925, their accommodation was likely larger than the others in the block, paying a rent of £12 11 shillings, around £1 more than the other tenants. Bernard was a miner and the proximity to Auchinraith Pit was a good indicator that he may have worked there, employed by Messrs Merry & Cunningham Coalmasters.

        Times were difficult in the 1920’s in Blantyre. Shortages of good quality homes combined with frequent miners strikes were symptoms of the great economic depression which manifested in many countries. It was a time when lots of miners tried their luck at emigrating to try to find better job prospects. Many unsuccessfully.

        Bernard’s neighbours were all miners and his view out the back windows would have looked directly out toward the Auchinraith Pit Bing. Several children followed amongst them Colin in 1928 and Frances in 1931. The larger accommodation would have been handy! In 1929, his father John died. In August 1930, a terrible pit disaster happened at Auchinraith where several men were killed. It marked a point close to the end of the pit itself, closing shortly after.

        There is no question that Bernard would have had to switch employer in 1931.

        By 1940, Bernard was still at 77 Auchinraith Road. The buildings may have been in a more tired state, or perhaps due to war, for it is noted that his rent in 1940 was actually a £1 less than it was in 1925! Sadly, Bernard’s life was a short one and he died in 1945 in Blantyre, aged only 44. Agnes died in 1956, aged 66.

        I’ve scheduled a little post for the website on 10th July. I hope to come back to Agnes’s story someday.

        1. Paul I cant thank you enough for that information.
          Really very much appreciated.
          Look forward to reading latest book.
          Ann Allan

  15. trying to find birth date of Robert Thomson his father was john fraser Thomas born 1888 died 1954 his wife was magaret Nicholas born 1890 died 1962 can any one help me pls


      Hi Ina. I’ve retrieved the birth certificate at my own cost to help. Robert Nicholas Thomson was born on 13th May 1914 at Aitkenhead’s Building on Sydes Brae (at Hamilton Road). John Thomson, his father signed the birth certificate. I’ll schedule a post to appear on the website on 2nd July 2020.

  16. hi can u help me with this father john Thomson born 1865 mother Hannah Thomson born 1869 had Jessie 26th march 1890 larkhall and mary gardiner 4th june 1892 Blantyre need all there deaths ina sanders


      Hi Ina. I am unable to find Jessie and Mary’s death dates as I don’t know their married names. However, i had more luck with John and Hannah. Hannah Thomson (nee Fraser) passed away at 48 Broompark Road on 29th January 1919. She was only 49 years old. For 6 months prior to her death, she had been suffering from Endocarditis, an inflammation of the heart. Signs and symptoms would have included fever, chills, sweating, malaise, weakness, anorexia by rapid weight loss. This so soon, after the trauma of having at least one son fighting in WW1.

      Hannah’s illness in 1918 and into 1919 would have put a strain also on her family, of that there’s no doubt. Her family would have rallied around her. The eldest child John, by then in his 30s and youngest, David being 17. Her son was present and signed the death certificate, something I found strange considering her husband John Thomson Snr was still alive.

      Upon investigating further, I discovered that all may not have been well with her husband at that time. Perhaps caring for his wife had taken its toll on John Thomson too. He may not have worked as a coal pit stoker in the mines for some time.

      He had been ill also for some time with Atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries, at the time thought to have been caused by smoking. This can restrict blood flow and ultimately, it was a bleed to his brain which killed him, likely in the form of stroke. However, it was the place of his death that should also be noted. He passed away in Bothwell on 22nd March 1919 at the Kirklands Asylum, indicating that he may have suffered some sort of breakdown, depression or anxiety following the death of his wife. He was only 53 and died of a brain haemorrhage. He may have been finding life more difficult than usual for his wife had died 52 days earlier.

      Hannah Thomson was the daughter of Jock Fraser, the High Blantyre blacksmith I posted about the other day. I have scheduled a post to appear on this on 2nd July 2020.

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