1979 Weddings of Blantyre Folk

More weddings from 1979! Do you know these couples?

Miss Connie SUEN of Wishaw married David TSIM of Dalcraig Crescent, Blantyre in the Welcome Restaurant, Cambuslang.

1979 Connie Suen & David Tsim wm

Also, East Kilbride man Hamish Cormack married Moyra Turnbull of Forres Street, High Blantyre in the Blantyre Congregational Church.

1979 Hamish Cormack & Moyra Turnbull wm

Finally, but by no means least, happy couple Janette Cumberford married Stonehaven man Philip Brown. They were married in Burnbank.

1979 Janette Cumberford & Philip Brown wm

All wedding photos added to the archive at http://www.blantyreproject.com. If for any reason the couples don’t want them added, please contact me and I’ll comply.

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