Site icon Blantyre Project – Official History Archives, Lanarkshire

Police heard through the phone

1930s House Telephone

1930s House Telephone

Stephen Walker of 31 Forrest Street used some ingenuity one evening in August 1935, when he became tired of hearing disorderly conduct outside his Low Blantyre home. The lewd and disorderly behaviour came from a nearby neighbour a Mr James McFaul of 18 Forrest Street who took it upon himself to use foul and loud language when returning home each evening from the pub.

Stephen, a commercial traveller, desperately in need of some sleep, called upon a new device installed in his home. His telephone, and called the police. Holding the handset up to the window, he made sure the Blantyre Police officers on the other end of the phone could hear the language coming from McFaul on the pavement. James McFaul left before the police arrived but was apprehended shortly after. The Justice imposed a court fine of 30 shillings or 15 days imprisonment. I wonder if James even knew how he had been caught.

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