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1979 Blantyre Boys Kindness


1979 Blantyre Boys Kindness

Pictured here in August 1979 are boys from Fernslea Avenue, Blantyre. Troy Dargue had a handicapped cousin and unprompted by adults wanted to do something for her.

Troy (11) and his brother gathered up some friends from their street and together they all gathered jumble, organising a sale in a lane at the back of their homes. It was all in aid of the “We care Group” the Blantyre group of mothers of handicapped children.

The youngsters raised a whopping £8 (about £45 in todays money). Pictured are back row left to right. Scott Young, Andrew Ross and Tony Ross. At the front, left to right is John Young, Martin Ross and Troy Dargue. One of the boys is not on facebook and has asked a family member for his image not to be shown.

Troy, whom I promised a copy of this picture in advance, is on the bottom right is now the landlord of the Cornerstone Public House at High Blantyre.

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