Site icon Blantyre Project – Official History Archives, Lanarkshire

Suspension ‘Pey’ Bridge

1920s or 30s close up Pey bridge from GC wm

Here’s a brilliant photo of the former Suspension ‘Pey’ Bridge once crossing the River Clyde at Blantyre. This rare photo, thought to have been taken in the 1920s or 1930’s shows good detail of all the railings and (locked) gates that protected walkways from the riverside. Despite that a few boys clearly on the path at the river. To the left, the mill buildings had been demolished at that location by that time, some ornate brickwork buttresses left perhaps to screen what was beyond, the remnants of a demolition scene.

This was taken on the Blantyre side and looks across to the Bothwell side of the River a primary crossing linking both villages. Even at this time, a toll was still upheld, the tollkeeper based in the tower booth. This bridge lasted just under 100 years and was replaced by a more modern one further downstream, that bridge ALSO replaced by the current existing bridge. So, this suspension bridge represents the first of the 3 bridges in this area.

With thanks to Gordon Cook for sharing this photo.

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