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Community Award Nomination

community service awardYesterday, I was thrilled and honoured to be contacted by South Lanarkshire Councillor John McNamee who broke the news, that I’ve been put forward for a Community Service Award! What a surprise and how exciting.

My initial reaction though was confusion, why me? There are many people in this community who do so much more financially and give up more of their time to the community than I do, and hopefully they’ll be nominated too. I only undertake Blantyre related activities in my spare time. Some people do it for a living or full time! Thinking there may have been a mistake, I was left feeling very humbled when Councillor McNamee wrote back to me adding, “I think you’re a very worthy candidate for such recognition on a number of levels, but perhaps most impressive is your sustained passion for all things Blantyre! Your commitment to archiving our local history, community news via Blantyre Telegraph, local green spaces and the summer gala / festive events hosted by the Blantyre Community Committee are just some of the wonderful examples of your civic pride.”

Each year South Lanarkshire Councillors nominate 3 people in each local area for their contribution to the community. The awards ceremony takes place in March next year in the attendance of guests, fellow nominees, councillors and the Lord Provost.

Thank you sincerely to South Lanarkshire Council and John, for making the nomination. I hope I can live up to it.

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