The Cookery Exhibition, 1907

Week commencing Monday 15th April 1907 saw a rather unique exhibition taking place every afternoon and evening that week in the former Stonefield Masonic Hall on Glasgow Road, Blantyre.

Hosted by the Blantyre Gas Company, the promotional event displayed a range of stoves and cookery appliances, many of which were powered with gas. The cookers were provided by A&J Main of Falkirk and Blantyre ladies piled in great numbers to see what all the fuss was about. Modern gas appliances promised efficient cooking and was more than a novelty, for many mining families, such devices were luxuries.

In all, 29 cookers, 10 fires were on exhibition, with countless grills, range plates, boiling rings, gas irons, baking plates etc on view. The Gas Company had fitted out a special incoming supply from Glasgow Road, specifically to run the exhibition which was fitted to all the cookers on display. Attendants from Messrs Main were there on hand to explain how everything worked, how economical the cookers were, to relay the cost of each and of course hopefully to drive sales. It was explained how much cleaner and cheaper it was to cook by gas, than use coal. Healthier too, with no coal smoke!

Neil Douglas, J.P opened the exhibition that Monday evening and the hall was filled with ladies eager to see how their work in kitchens could be improved upon. The exhibition it is said, had come about by a desire from people themselves wishing for more efficient devices in the kitchen. It had prompted the Gas Company to arrange a display and they quickly got Messrs Main on board with the undertaking.

The event was a huge success and left many visitors with a new household appliance on their wishlist!

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