1934 Glasgow Road Dance Rammy

fight-orchestra-300x229At Hamilton J.P. Court on Monday 10th December 1934, Robinson McCormack, a garage assistant, 8 Greenside Street, Blantyre, pleaded guilty to having, at a dance-hall at Glasgow Road, Blantyrc, assaulted John O’Neil, motor driver, Bellshill Road, Motherwell and committing a breach of the peace.

The Fiscal heard how the said accused and some other men had began to argue. During a Christmas party in Glasgow Road Dance Hall, the men were standing in front of the orchestra, and the noise they were making interfered with the music. One of the musicians requested them to stop arguing. McCormack then struck O Neil on the face. In the scuffle music stands and music were scattered, the music stopped and a more serious situation might have developed had McCormack not been forcibly removed. There was, added the Fiscal, too many disorderly scenes at Blantyre dance-halls in the neighbourhood nowadays. M’Cormack admitted, in light of the merriment of the season, he had had too much drink and did not know what he was doing. He was fined 25 shillings (about £100 in todays money), with the alternative option of 14 days’ imprisonment.

Pictured is a more modern fight in front of an orchestra, just to support the article, but is not the actual Blantyre rammy!

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