Robert and Anna Bell

Isabel Latch emailed me saying, “I have this picture of my aunt (Anna Bell) and Uncle (Robert Bell) from Craighead Cottage on the Whistleberry Road. Not sure of the date but would guess it was in the late 1940’s. My grandfather (Robert Bell) and family lived in a cottage next to the bing from 1925 (or earlier) to 1975. My uncle briefly worked in the mine before emigrating to the states. My grandfather was an electrician but I don’t know what he did for the mine.”

Doing a little more research, I found that Robert Bell in 1940 was living at house number 5 at Craighead Pit on Whistleberry Road, which was called “Cabin Cottage”. His annual rent to Bairds and Scottish Steel that year was £14 and 8s.

Are you related to this Bell family or know more about Cabin Cottage?

Anna -Robert

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Margaret Duncan I was brought up in the coachman’scottage, Craighead Estate – I remember a wee white cottage on Whistleberry Road that had a round light above the front door – it was quite near the bridge – just at the entrance road for what used to be Henderson’s buses
Isabel Latch Margaret Duncan I was there as a small child and do remember that my grandparents home cottage was white and I think I remember a glass greenhouse attached.

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  1. I knew Robert very well we were in the scouts together, I was in their house many times, I have a few pictures if you would send your email
    Duncan Slater

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