1982 Stonefield Park

1982 Stonefield Park a

Staying with 1982 in this post, these photos show Stonefield Public Park. Even then, the park still had trellises, the boating pond and looks well kept with grass attended to often. Pride in the park was certainly still there and whilst the beautiful flowerbeds of the 1950s and 1960s were mostly gone, there were still several large flower beds to beautify the whole area.

I’d love to see colour come back to the park, or new environmental groups set up to protect and look after this public space.

In post millennium years Stonefield Park was renamed “McAnulty Public Park”.

1982 Stonefield Park b

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Peter Falconer Hehe the pedalo pond!!
Elizabeth Grieve No point in colouring it up as it wouldn’t last long with the wee oinks in the town nowadays
Jim McSorley Can even see a man cutting the grass in the background. Sad that it’s not looked after as it was in the past. Suppose budget cuts click in ??
Ann Durie Will ALWAYS be Stonefield Park to me

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