1979 Beer Can Tower

Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at 18.28.44Some stories I need to be careful off, as 1979, is a little “modern” and where high jinks end in arrest, I have no wish to embarrass anybody or dwell on things that happened 40 years ago.

SO. In this instance, I won’t name the rather well known man in Blantyre, who once lived in Burnside Crescent that was fined for aforementioned high jinks whilst a lot younger than he is now!

The date was July 1979 and motorists coming from Burnbank were astonished to see a man in the centre of the mini roundabout at the Whistleberry Road junction carefully setting up a tower of beer cans, placing them in the middle and around the perimeter of the roundabout. He’d clearly brought the cans with him as ‘building materials!’

Local police decided he was a traffic hazard and charged the Springwells man with a breach of the peace. In court later that week, the man somewhat regretted his actions stating he had only been celebrating getting a new job, which he was looking forward to.

Justice David Hume fined him £50. Now, if he’d like to come forward and name himself, thats fine, for it was a long, long time ago! If not, don’t worry, your secret’s safe and perhaps this will be a story for a future historian to disclose……..

Featuring Blantyre Project Social Media with permission. Strictly not for use by others on or offline, our visitors said:

Norma Cassidy Foley love people with a sense of humour
Angela Burns Mary McGuigan do you know who this was? 😂 😂
Tom McGuigan I was 18 in 79

Mary McGuigan Tom McGuigan just Thought u might know ..heard bout it at Robertson’s Tom McGuigan Mary McGuigan nope

Mary McGuigan Tom McGuigan wonder who it was lol x

Mary McGuigan Tom McGuigan aye ano bound to be sum 1 we know x

Tom McGuigan Mary McGuigan stop being a nosey git

Mary McGuigan Tom McGuigan LMAO me ha ha x

Mary McGuigan They 2 are older Angela Burns ha ha x

Jimbo McSkimming lmao a beer cairn

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