Craighead Railway Junction


This great photo was taken in 1963 at Craighead Railway Junction. The vantage point is on the current roadbridge which goes over the railway line on Whistlberry Road. The picture looks eastwards towards Hamilton and takes in the County Buildings, which was still being built at the time. (It opened in April 1964). I suspect this was one of the main reasons the photo was taken to show what a massive impact the building had on the landscape.

I’ve attached an overlaid map to show this in context of today, for the railway is still there , now widened, but the landscape looks very different with Whistleberry Industrial Estate now at that location.


As a sidenote, here’s a great photo of the County Building in Hamilton under construction in 1962 by Laing. It’s of no surprise that this huge building could be seen from surrounding towns.



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