Priory Bridge 2014

I took this photo of the Priory Bridge in Summer 2014. On a particularly nice and dry day, I visited the site of the old, unused bridge near Glasgow Road and captured this scene, which I think had a peaceful, romantic look about it. The bridge is blocked off to pedestrians and traffic and sits high about the Calder water. Its my reminder how i look forward to the greenery of the summer returning.

It would surprise many people in Blantyre to know this scene is only a few meters from the busy Glasgow Road opposite Priory Bridge Housing Estate, just beyond the treeline at the side of the road.


On social media:

Lynsey Fojut I spent most of my life in priory bridge & don’t believe I’ve ever seen this despite being quite a little explorer as a kid. Have you ever thought of doing guided walks? I always feel I don’t know where anything is in blantyre

The Blantyre Project i have done a few Lynsey and will do again when better weather comes around. Hopefully this site is slowly revealing old Blantyre to many people.

Gordon Dennis Been years since i been there used to go down then go through tunnel under the road

The Blantyre Project Priory Bridge 2007 from the riverside by Jim Brown.

The Blantyre Project's photo.
Elizabeth Weaver Like you, Paul, I can’t wait for spring and summer. Thanks for the lovely reminder.

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