1933 David Livingstone Centre

1933livingstonesAs i write this, it’s actually the week of the 200th anniversary of Livingstone’s birth. What better way to celebrate this event than show some lesser known photos of the Livingstone parklands and centre. In 1933 the David Livingstone Centre was a busy, busy attraction. Blantyre’s new tourist centre was opened only 4 years earlier in 1929 and was brand spanking new with a newly formed museum and attractive park, complete with playthings for kids (of all ages!).

This photo is Summer 1933. Local kids play on in the park, with no less than 20 children on the witches hat alone, certainly a popular past-time! Chutes, swings and rocking horses complimented the area. We’d love to hear of your memories of the park. Did you visit on School trips? And another, from the same era:


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